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Spare parts has comics and random math topics for discussion. Includes questions (and answers), puzzles, and links to other sources.
Finding the Shaded AREA
(Learn more about area in the geometry section)
Tile Question
A wall is 8 feet high and 16 feet long.
We want to tile this wall with 4 inch by 4 inch square tiles.
How many tiles do we need to cover this rectangular wall?
Seating Arrangement
Our 10-person math club is meeting for dinner at a restaurant. (Unfortunately, the club has 2 members that I do not like.). The restaurant has round tables that seat exactly 10 people.
If I show up last, what is the probability that the remaining seat is next to someone I don't like?
(Learn more about combinations/permutations)
One Minute Math Question
What is the perimeter of the triangle?
Learn more about the Pythagorean Theorem...
Olympic Rings and Minor Arcs
How many minor arcs are in the rings?
Here is how many we found!
Learn more about arcs and circles...
Rubik's Cube
Math & Rubik's Cube Videos from numberphile.com
Factorial Questions!!
1) For integers > 1, what is (n - 1)! / (n - 2)! ?
2) For integers > 1, what is (n + 1)! / (n - 1)! ?
3) What is 6! 5! / 4! 3! ?
4) What are the last three digits of 20! ?
One Minute Math Question
How many 1 cubic inch blocks could fit inside a 1 cubic yard container?
One Minute Math Question
Click here for answer to repeating decimal subtraction question
"Counting 7's"
1) If you listed all the whole numbers between 1 and 1000, how many 7's would appear in the list?
2) How many integers between 1 and 1000 contain at least one 7?
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Math Comic #124 - "Chasing Olympic Dreams" (2-7-14)
Webcomic #121 - Rubik's Cube
"Thinking outside the box"
Math Comic #120 - "Factorials!" (1-8-14)
It's more than an exclamation point!
Webcomic #112 - "Snow White and the 7 Dwarf" (11-15-13)
A Grim(m) Fairy Tale!