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The following is a tutorial to introduce the TI-Nspire calculator. Completing the 25 tasks will help familiarize a user with the functions. Also, it can help someone recognize the menus and structure of this powerful math tool.
1) Basic Functions -- Decimal and Fraction Forms
Task: find 78 divided by 15
"on" (home symbol in the upper right)
"A Calculate" (upper left of screen)
"enter" (or, press the keyboard 'mouse')
The workspace appears..
7 8 division sign 1 5
The output: 26/5
Then, to get decimal form:
"ctrl" "enter"
The output: 5.2
2) Improper Fractions -- Template Key
Task: reduce 452/28
"A Calculate" (Note: instead of using the cursor, you can simply press the "A" key in the alphabet pad)
The workspace appears..
4 5 2 division sign 2 8
The output: 113/7
press the "template key" (next to the 9)
select the fractions template
fill in the numerator dashed box with 452
fill in the denominator box with 28
The output: 113/7
Then, decimal answer: "ctrl" "enter"
The output: 16.1429
3) Number of digits displayed (decimal places) -- Changing calculator settings
Task: Display 452/28 extended to OVER 8 decimal places
5. Settings (move cursor and press "enter" OR press 5)
2. Document Settings (move cursor/press enter OR press 2)
Using the mouse pad, change the "display digits" to float 12. Then, press down arrow on mouse pad -- i.e. move cursor down to "make default"
press "enter" OK? press "enter" again
A calculate
Input 452/28
"ctrl" "enter"
The output: 16.1428571429
4) Mixed and Improper fractions -- Using the Menu
Tasks: Change 57/12 into a mixed fraction. And, change 4 3/7 into an improper fraction.
From the workspace, press "menu" button
2. Number (using cursor or pressing 2)
7. Fraction tool (use cursor/mouse pad or press 7)
1. Proper fraction (cursor/mouse pad or press 1)
Output: propFrac( )
Input 5 7 division symbol 1 2 "enter"
The output: 4 + 3/4
Then, from the workspace,
4 + 3 division symbol 7 "enter"
The output: 31/7
5) Degrees Minutes Seconds -- Using the Catalog/Book
Tasks: convert 38.47 degrees into degrees/minutes/seconds (DMS). Then, convert 57 deg, 27 min, 43 sec into decimal degrees (DD)
"On/Home" "A Calculate" "enter"
3 8 . 4 7
"ctrl" "book/catalog button"
Batch of symbols appear. Select the degree icon using the mousepad arrows. "enter"
the display now shows 38.47 degrees
"book/catalog button"
In list 1, select DMS "enter"
press "enter" again
The output: 38degrees 28'12''
To enter degree/minute/second, use the "template key" (next to the 9)
select DMS symbol from the icon list "enter"
Fill in dashed boxes:
5 7 in first box (move cursor)
2 7 in second box (move cursor)
4 3 in third box (move cursor to right)
press "book/catalog" key
from menu list 1, select DD "enter"
The workspace shows the equation.
"ctrl" "enter" (to show answer in decimals)
57.4619 degrees
206863/3600 degrees
Keyboard 'mouse' or Keypad:
Template Key:
Fractions Template:
Webcomic #64 - "Mix-up at the North Pole" (12-26-12) (Click lower right to view)
Workspace display:
Book/Catalog button:
Degree symbol:
DMS Template:
Workspace display: