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The following project will help the user become more familiar with finding derivatives, evaluating points, graphing, using documents, and more.
1) Graph f(x)
2) Find the derivative f'(x) and graph.
3) Evaluate f(5) and f'(5)
Step by Step Instructions and Illustrations
Find derivative of function:
1: new document
1: add calculator
(scratchpad opens)
"template" key
select derivatives
input equation: d/dx 5x^2 + 10x + 4
output: 10x + 10
Save document:
1: file
5: save as
"derivatives project 3"
Graph the function(s):
"Ctrl" "Doc"
(menu opens)
2: add graph
(coordinate plane appears with blank function at the bottom)
Input the function ("enter")
Equation appears on the graph.
f(1) = 5x^2 + 10x + 4
Cool Feature:
You can enter the function(s) by using "ctrl" "c" and "ctrl" "v" (copy and paste)
And, using "ctrl" left arrow and "ctrl" right arrow on the mousepad/keypad, you can toggle between workspaces 1.1 and 1.2
So, you can enter complex equations from one workspace and copy them to another place in the document!
Then, to add derivatives function to graph:
3: graph entry/edit
1: function
f2() appears at bottom
input/copy derivatives function 10x + 10
Evaluating values in functions:
Go back to scratchpad in 1.1
select f1
input 5 in the parentheses (enter)
output: 179
select f2
input 5 in the parentheses (enter)
output: 60
(the slope of the function at x = 5 is 60)
Adjusting the graph window:
4: window
1: window settings (change minimums and maximums)
then, "menu"
4: window
3: zoom in...
Cool Feature:
Moving derivative equation toward tangent of the function:
3:graph entry/edit
1: function
place cursor on top of line and drag to desired point
output: f2(x) is another equation (same slope, but different intercept)
1: file
4: save
1: file
3: close
Document and Template keys:
Derivatives Template:
Saving the Document:
Input function to graph:
Webcomic #125 - "Math Romance" (2-14-14) (Click lower right to view)
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Adding to a graph:
Var and Menu buttons:
Recalling a stored function:
Project solutions:
Window/Zoom menu: